
Air Conditioner Maintenance in Birmingham, AL 35118

“Western has serviced my A/C for the last couple of years. Ashley has been the guy who has always done the work and let me tell you he is outstanding. He has fixed several issues, that could’ve caused problems in the future. I highly recommend this company.”
- Jacob G.

Air Conditioner Maintenance in Birmingham, AL 35064

“Mr. Ashley was very professional and knowledgeable of his job”

- Sarah C.

Other Installation in Birmingham, AL 35242

“He was so kind, knowledgeable and very determined to find the problem and solve it”

- Charlotte G.

Air Conditioner Maintenance in Birmingham, AL 35242

“Frank has always taken the time to answer any questions and explain what if anything may need addressing going forward.”

- Bill S.

Heat Pump Repair in Birmingham, AL 35208


- Barbara B.

Other Maintenance in Birmingham, AL 35222


- Jeff P.

Other Maintenance in Chelsea, AL 35043

“On time arrival, performed service quickly and efficiently and cleaned up afterwards.”

- Terry A.

Gas Furnace Repair in Birmingham, AL 35064

“Very professional, and friendly.”


Other Maintenance in Birmingham, AL 35127

“Frank arrived promptly and was courteous and professional.”

- Robin W.

Gas Furnace Repair in Birmingham, AL 35238

“Great service”

- Rhonda A.

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Western Sales and Services.

Call us at 205-787-8674!