To our Clients


We at Western are looking forward to our upcoming appointment with you and appreciate you giving us the opportunity to service your home.  As everyone is aware, the virus that is currently affecting the US and the rest of the world is very contagious and as such we wanted to address any safety concerns for you and our team. Beginning on Monday 3/16/2020, Western has implemented a few changes to protect our families as well as yours.  

  1. If you or anyone at your home is experiencing any sickness, please let us know prior to our arrival so we can attempt to assist you before arriving at your home. We will not be able to service the interior of your home until the virus has passed. However, we may be able to work together and service the outside of your home and address your needs if we are aware prior to our arrival.
  2. We have instructed all of our team to wear gloves, booties, and dust masks prior to entering anyone’s home. This is to reduce the possibility of spreading the virus.  If you wish, they will gladly remove the mask.  
  3. Western has implemented a “No Soliciting” policy at our office, limited our field personnel to only work 2 people together at once, equipped office staff to work from home until further notice, and eliminated company meetings and/or in-person training. 

We are taking this very seriously and are doing everything we can to minimize the risk to our families and yours. If you have any concerns about what we are doing or if you have any concerns about what we can do to help you have a healthier home please ask us. We offer ultra violet lights and air filters that drastically reduce airborne particulates that can carry viruses along with the normal seasonal allergens.

Thank you for your business!

Josh Durden


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